Universal Coaching Alliance
UCA Coach Supervisors
Experienced UCA Accredited Coach Supervisors at your service

Fiona Adamson
Fiona brings a profound sense of ease and calm, making space and time for an emergent flow in the conversations, sharing from her own deep well of experience and learning when appropriate.

Trudy Arthurs
Trudy’s specialisations over her 30 years of professional coaching, and more recently supervision, include supporting individuals to develop clear communication skills, resilience, self-confidence and mental wellbeing within their professional and personal lives.

Gwen Booth
Gwen has a passion for working with clients who are experiencing change and transition in their work and personal lives. From those clients who recognise that change is needed yet feel stuck on how and where to start to the clients who have a clearer destination or for change being imposed.

Liz Ford
Liz is known as being reflective and imaginative, using a variety of creative methods to aid exploration and learning including the outdoors, images, colour, metaphor, music and movement, both online and in person. She also has significant experience of working with neurodivergent clients.

Helen O'Grady
Helen is an executive leadership coach with over 15 years and 2300 hours of experience in coaching. Helen has 7 years and 400 hours of coach supervision experience. Helen has an approachable style, which quickly builds rapport to ensure a collaborative working relationship.

Sue Jackson
Sue brings a wealth of experience across diverse industries and excels in emotional agility. Her coaching, supervision, and development programmes are insightful and transformative, promoting empowerment and inclusivity.She works with organisations and in cancer care.

Eva Jolly
Eva brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Coach Supervisor role. With 17 years of experience as a Coach and 15 years as an NLP practitioner, Eva’s knowledge and skills enable her to meet the coach where they are and provide a safe space for reflection and growth.

Lora McInturf
Lora supervises coaches to slow down and examine their working processes (e.g., how they approach their work, the dynamics of their relationships, and their thoughts and emotions), consider blindspots, and unlock more resources for their work. Lora is American and lives in Germany with her family.

Amanda Morgan
Amanda has been an International Human Resources Professional, consultant, facilitator coach, and coach supervisor for over thirty years. Her passion is executive coaching and mentoring for individuals with emerging potential, developing leaders, and thosen interested in career transition.

Val Mullally
Val Mullally is passionate about the essential role of Reflective Practice in professional development, especially for those in the caring professions. Her expertise in Coach Super-Vision is complemented by her training and experience in Creative Supervision, Coach Training, Parent Coaching, NLP.

Andrew Parsons
Andrew is an experienced coach and supervisor. He supports clients to successfully navigate change, high levels of uncertainty, complexity and adversity. Andrew comes from a science and business background with a former career in the Pharmaceutical Industry with speciality Psychology.

Sas Petherick
Sas primarily supervises self-employed coaches, helping them navigate the complexities of client work and running a business, both rife with self-doubt. Sas creates an expansive Supervision container designed to draw out each coach’s uniqueness and build confidence.

Jo Smith
Jo’s clients describe her as a breath of fresh air who motivates them to drive home results and have fun simultaneously! She uses the best academic research and her years of pragmatic experience. Jo is a pleasure to work with, with high energy for delivering results.

Joan Swart
Joan has a doctorate in forensic psychology and is an accredited supervisor with the Association for Coaching. She specialises in individual and group supervision on various topics, including mental health and wellbeing, personal and professional performance, and ...

Benita Treanor
Benita is a lifelong learner, educator, coach & coach supervisor, leadership developer, with a passion for whole person, humanistic learning. She continues to work with individuals and groups, building on over 30 years of pioneering developments in community education, therapeutic & public services,
At the Universal Coaching Alliance, we believe that all practicing coaches should regularly undergo supervision with a qualified and experienced supervisor. The frequency of this supervision should align with their coaching, mentoring, or supervision practice, meet the requirements of their professional body and accreditation level, and include documented evidence of reflective practice.
Our Members who are practising Coaches agree to have a minimum of 4 supervision sessions a year, or at a ratio of 1:20 if they are UCA Accredited Coaches.
To ensure the successful implementation of this initiative, we have assembled a group of highly experienced Accredited Coach Supervisors. They will provide comprehensive support and guidance to all practising coaches, ensuring the supervision requirements are met. We understand the importance of accessibility, which is why we offer four 90-minute group coaching sessions annually, at a rate of £65.00 per session (or the equivalent in your region of the world), making this support readily available to you. The full payment for all four sessions is due at the time of booking.
We encourage you to take full advantage of this service. For more information on how to access it, please e-mail info@universalcoachingalliance.org . We’re here to support you in meeting your supervision requirements and furthering your professional development.
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