Universal Coaching Alliance

Find out more about the UCA Supervisors

Trudy Arthurs

Trudy Arthurs

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Diploma (with Merit) in AoEC Executive Coaching
  • Accredited Associate CertifiedCoach, Professional Certified Coach ICF
  • Certified Supervisor
  • Certified Trainer in Executive Coaching with AoEC

Summary Profile

Trudy’s specialisations over her 30 years of professional coaching, and more recently supervision, include supporting individuals to develop clear communication skills,  resilience, self-confidence and  mental wellbeing within their professional and personal lives. 

She has extensive experience in the design and delivery of executive development programmes for managers in transition to middle and senior levels within their organisations.  She has been a Faculty Member of the Academy for Executive Coaching since 2012.

Her supervision and coaching clients report that her integrity, ability to work in the moment and challenging warmth help to create a liberating environment to work in.   Her highly intuitive, deep listening skills combined with a pragmatic, systemic approach, bring about results that are professional, timely and sustainable  in the long term.

Gwen Booth

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • EMCC Accredited Diploma in Coaching Supervision
  • EMCC Global Individual Team Coaching Accreditation
  • AOEC Accredited Resilience Coach
  • ILM Diploma in Leadership Mentoring and Executive Coaching
  • British Psychological Society’s Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing Level A & B – Licensed to use a number of psychometric tools including MBTI Step I and Step II; BarOn EQ-I (Emotional Intelligence); McQuaig; EBW (Emotions and Behaviours at Work)

Summary Profile

Gwen has a passion for working with clients who are experiencing change and transition in their work and personal lives. From those clients who recognise that change is needed yet feel stuck on how and where to start, to the clients who have a clearer destination or for whom change is being imposed and who need support and a plan for their journey.

Gwen has delivered over 2900 hours of coaching. Her approach is supportive, stretching, empowering and pragmatic. Her work supports clients to flourish, understanding self, improving performance, working relationships and well-being. Building personal resilience is key part of her approach, alongside interventions such as neuroscience and psychometrics.

Gwen offers supervision to new and established coaches. Gwen’s background is in local government, working on large transformational change programmes.

Liz Ford

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching Supervision
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Business and Executive Coaching
  • Accredited Master Coach Supervisor (Individual and Group)
  • Accredited Master Executive Coach

Contributed to: “Creating the Reflective Habit”, “101 Coaching Supervision Techniques Approaches, Enquires and Experiments” and several professional journal articles on coaching and coach supervision

Summary Profile

Liz has a special interest in the ongoing development of coaches and enjoys working in partnership with them to foster potential, build self-belief and inspire coaching excellence.

She is known as being reflective and imaginative, using a variety of creative methods to aid exploration and learning including the outdoors, images, colour, metaphor, music and movement, both online and in person. She also has significant experience of working with neurodivergent clients.

Prior to becoming an independent executive coach and supervisor, Liz spent ten years nursing in the NHS before moving into the Healthcare Industry as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and progressing to the role of UK Training and Development Manager for a large global dialysis company. She has run her own coaching and consulting business since November 2001.

Sheela Hobden

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Accredited Master Coach Supervisor (Association for Coaching)
  • Diploma in Coach Supervision (The Beyond Partnership)
  • ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) (International Coach Federation)
  • Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching (Barefoot Coaching)
  • PGCERT Business and Personal Coaching (University of Chester)
  • Advanced Diploma in Coach Supervision (Beyond Partnership)
  • Mentor Coach (CNA)
  • ICF PCC Marker Assessor Trained (International Coach Federation)
  • Wraw Practitioner (Workplace resilience and wellbeing)

Summary Profile

Sheela is an Executive Coach, Coach Supervisor, Mentor Coach, and Researcher. In all her work, she is invested in exploration, willing to be with you, and creative and experimental. People find her style Spacious, warm, bold, and brave. Her work is rooted in well-being, and her research projects focus on the impact of workplace coaching on well-being.

Sheela defines coach supervision as “A Coach partners with a trained coach supervisor to reflect on themselves, and their practice, to care for and explore oneself and their clients, through self-reflection and professional assurance.  All are leading to growth and continuing to develop as a coach.”

When she is not “working”? You will find her swimming in the sea or pandering to her dog Penfold!

Helen O'Grady

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Professional Certified Coach (ICF)
  • Certified Coach Supervisor/Mentor Coach
  • Master of Health Leadership and Management

Summary Profile

Helen is an executive leadership coach with over 15 years and 2300 hours of experience in coaching. Helen has 7 years and 400 hours of coach supervision experience. Helen has an approachable style, which quickly builds rapport to ensure a collaborative working relationship founded in a safe and supportive environment. Helen’s belief is that each client is unique, an expert in their own situation and has the capacity to achieve their goals. 

Feedback from clients demonstrates that they value Helen’s ability to support and challenge them, enabling them to think more clearly and identify new ways forward. Helen focuses on individuals’ strengths and abilities and uses those strengths and abilities to support the client in achieving his or her goals, overcoming challenges, or making changes to how they work. 

Sue Jackson

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Accredited Master Coach Supervisor for Groups and Individuals
  • Accredited Master Executive Coach
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Mindfulness Based Approaches
  • Master of Landscape Design
  • Further and Higher Education Teaching Certificate
  • Curating editor ‘Empowerment in Health and Wellness’ 2021
  • Co author ‘Therapeutic Coaching a UK Perspective 2016’ and other research papers

Summary Profile

Sue brings a wealth of experience across diverse industries and excels in emotional agility. Her coaching, supervision, and development programmes are insightful and transformative, promoting empowerment and inclusivity. She works with organisations and in cancer care, sharing her expertise as an author and researcher. Sue’s guiding principle, “strong back, soft front,” reflects her gentle yet challenging approach. She champions professionalism in coaching, mindfulness, creativity, nature connection, and spirituality, helping clients align mindful being with skilful action.

Sue’s areas of expertise include:

  • Executive Coaching with Directors, senior leaders, managers and team members
  • Group and individual coaching supervision
  • Supporting and resourcing clients develop Personal Leadership
  • Coaching through uncertainty and transitions
  • Coaching for empowerment and wellness for clients living pre, with and beyond a cancer diagnosis
  • Co-developing new course to provide experience, skills and research-based training for coaches, leaders and managers.

Eva Jolly

  • Qualifications and Accreditations:
  • ILM Level 7 Diploma in Executive Coaching and Leadership Mentoring
  • Accredited Executive Coach (Association for Coaching)
  • NLP Practitioner
  • Experienced Coach, Mentor, Leader and Therapist

Summary Profile

Eva brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Coach Supervisor role.

With 17 years of experience as a Coach and 15 years as an NLP practitioner, Eva’s knowledge and skills enable her to meet the coach where they are and provide a safe space for reflection and growth.

Eva is a trained psychodynamic counsellor and social worker with over 30 years of experience as a senior leader in the voluntary and public sectors.

In addition to coaching individuals and groups, Eva hosts co-coaching forums and provides supervision for new and experienced coaches.

She supports coaches in being authentic and confident and finding creative solutions to achieve their desired impact.

Lora McInturf

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Accredited Diploma in Coaching Supervision
  • Certificate in Supervision
  • Founder of The Inner Advocate® (Coaching, Supervision, and Mentoring)
  • Author of two reflective writing journals for professional coaches: “From Lawyer to Professional Coach” and “Elevate Your Coaching Through Reflective Writing”.

 Summary Profile

Through collaborative, reflective, and creative conversations, Lora supervises coaches to slow down and examine their working processes (e.g., how they approach their work, the dynamics of their relationships, and their thoughts and emotions), consider blindspots, and unlock more resources for their work.

Supervision clients have succeeded with increased awareness of self, others, and relationships with clients and sponsors; more confidence, trust, and integrity in work; less bias and more objectivity in coaching; greater consistency in coaching performance; feeling more at peace and at ease as a coach; and accelerated development.

In addition to coaching supervision, Lora has coached high-performing lawyers and business professionals from over 40 countries. She is also a trained accountant, licensed (non-practicing) lawyer, and solicitor. Lora is American and lives in Germany with her family.

Amanda Morgan

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Fellow of the CIPD and the Institute of Leadership and Management.
  • Post-graduate and Masters degrees in HR Management
  • US Designation of Senior Professional in HR.
  • Accredited Executive Coach
  • Coach Supervisor
  • Co-founder of Wales Coaching Community; co-chair of All Wales Coaching Alliance (AWCA);
  • Certified Workplace Mediator; Certified in Hogan Assessments;
  • Worked Internationally and extensively in the UK, Europe, and the US.

 Summary Profile

Amanda has been an International Human Resources Professional, consultant, facilitator coach, and coach supervisor for over thirty years.

Driven by achieving business objectives, her focus has been on supporting leaders to achieve results through their people, with a particular emphasis on facilitating change management initiatives that support cultural and organisational change. Her passion is executive coaching and mentoring for individuals with emerging potential, developing leaders, and individuals interested in career transition.

As a coach and coach supervisor, she takes an integrative and relational approach to supervision, drawing on different psychological theories, working in partnership with her supervisees for the benefit of them, their clients and, where appropriate, the organisations within which their clients work. Amanda has a reputation for being both supportive and challenging.

Val Mullally

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Accredited Supervisor
  • Diploma in Creative Group Supervision
  • Diploma in Reflective Supervision
  • MA in Holistic Development
  • Accredited Coach
  • TEDx speaker: ‘In Defence of the Naughty Child – Understanding Sensory Sensitivity’
  • Author & developer of TRAKC©

Summary Profile

Val Mullally is passionate about the essential role of Reflective Practice in professional development, especially for those in the caring professions. Her expertise in Coach Super-Vision is complemented by her training and experience in Creative Supervision, Coach Training, Parent Coaching, NLP and Imago Relationship Theory.

Her current roles as a speaker, workshop and webinar presenter, facilitator of a supervisors’ academic book club, and accreditation assessor have established her as a pillar in the supervision community. 

Her work is infused with insights from her global experience, and her innovative approach supports practitioners to keep on TRACK© by creating psychologically safe spaces so that we can access our inner wisdom, see beyond the professional challenges and gain greater clarity, competence and joy in our work.  

Andrew Parsons

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Certificate in Worksite Wellness Specialist
  • NLP Master Practitioner
  • HeartMath Coach
  • Certifed Wellness Practitioner
  • Accredited Master Coach / Mentor
  • Founding Coach & Supervisor of the Fountain Centre Coaching Service, St Luke’s Cancer Centre, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation
  • Co-Author: “Empowerment in Health and Wellness” & “Leading with Presence: what is it, why it matters and how to get it”.  Contributed “The Contribution of Coaching to Mental Health Care” In “Emerging Conversations in Coaching and Coaching Psychology”.

Summary Profile

Andrew is an experienced coach and supervisor. He helps clients successfully navigate change, high levels of uncertainty, complexity, and adversity. 

Andrew comes from a science and business background. He had a former career in the Pharmaceutical Industry, specialising in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Physiology. He has worked with individuals across a range of contexts in personal and professional settings. Andrew supports people in building confidence and self-esteem in their personal and professional lives. 

His commitment to learning and the advancement of knowledge can be seen in over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications and contributions to several books on medicine and mental health.

Recently, Andrew discovered he was dyslexic. He is passionate about supporting approaches to creating equity and a sense of belonging in organisations.

Sas Petherick

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • Founder Self-belief School 
  • Diploma in Coaching Supervision
  • MA Coaching + Mentoring
  • Certified Wayfinder Life Coach
  • CTI Coach
  • PG Dip Business Administration 

Summary Profile

Sas Petherick combines evidence-led coaching and supervision with extensive client practice and a deeply compassionate presence. 

Sas primarily supervises self-employed coaches, helping them navigate the complexities of client work and running a business, both rife with self-doubt. Sas creates an expansive Supervision container designed to draw out each coach’s uniqueness and build confidence while paying attention to doubts, worries, and fears. This fosters both the supervisee’s development and their effectiveness with clients. Her approach, grounded in developmental psychology, aims to develop self-awareness, resourcefulness, and psychological flexibility. 

With over 12 years of experience coaching clients facing self-doubt professionally and personally, Sas holds a Master’s in Coaching and Mentoring and has published on self-doubt. Before coaching, she enjoyed a successful career in senior leadership roles in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and the UK.

Sas lives with her partner near the beach in Aotearoa, New Zealand. There are too many books and not enough dogs. 

Joan Swart

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • B.Sc. (Chem. Eng.)
  • MBA, Psy.D. (forensic Psychology)
  • M.A. (Military Studies)
  • AC-Accredited Supervisor

Summary Profile

I have a doctorate in forensic psychology and am an accredited supervisor with the Association for Coaching. I specialise in individual and group supervision on various topics, including mental health and wellbeing, personal and professional performance, and existential issues.

My approaches are a functional blend of cognitive-behavioural coaching, positive psychology, and polyvagal theory, depending on the client’s space. I have authored several peer-reviewed articles and five mainstream published books, the most recent one titled The Coach’s Casebook.

Jo Smith

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • BSc. (Econ)
  • PGCE
  • Accredited Master Executive Coach
  • Accredited Master Coach Supervisor (Individual and Group)

Summary Profile

A highly qualified and experienced executive coach and supervisor. Jo’s background in HR and business leadership, alongside degrees in Business, Psychology and Education, gives her a highly relevant skill stack.

Jo works with senior leaders from various sectors, including high-performance sports, global academic institutions, and owner-entrepreneurs.

Unanimously, Jo’s clients describe her as a breath of fresh air who motivates them and enables them to drive home results and have fun simultaneously! She uses the best academic research and her years of pragmatic experience. Jo is always a pleasure to work with, with high energy and pragmatic techniques for delivering results.

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