Unleashing the Coach Within!
In an unregulated industry, UCA Accreditation indicates to buyers of Coaching and related services that an individual or organisation works within a robust Coaching Competency Framework, adheres to The Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors, and operates in line with the accreditation level awarded.
As an Accredited Coach with the Universal Coaching Alliance, it:
- Allows you to reflect deeply on your coaching practice as you work through your application and offers a unique opportunity to gain additional value from your Supervisor through sharing elements of your application with them
- Proves that you approach your work as a professional – maintaining the required level of continuous professional development, reflective practice and supervision for your level of experience and accredited status
- Demonstrates that you work within the UCA Coaching Competency Framework and have been assessed against specific indicators, benchmarked against peers in the field
- Means that you adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors – and your clients understand this when you contract with them
- Shows that you champion standards of excellence within the coaching profession
- Increases your level of confidence as you benchmark yourself against the UCA Coaching Competency Framework
- Demonstrates that you are a professional coaching body member and do what it says on the tin!
For your clients, this means that they:
- Have increased confidence in your level of skills and expertise as a Coach
- Can make an informed decision based on factual evidence of your competence in working within a tried and tested framework
- Understand that because you are a member of a Professional Body and adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches, Mentors and Supervisors, they can be confident that you have demonstrated experience in working with individuals (and teams and groups) in a coaching environment
- Know you have undergone training to enhance and develop your skills
- Can be confident that, should anything go awry, your membership body supports you, and there is a complaints procedure in place
If you are an individual who wants to find out more about how you can become accredited with the UCA, please visit the events page on the UCA website to find out details about the Coach Accreditation Webinars.
I can still remember the thrill I experienced when my first client asked me, not if I was accredited, but who I was accredited with! So, if you’ve considered becoming accredited, don’t delay – contact us now!
Next Steps:
Review the UCA Events Calendar to find events relating to this theme
Read the Accreditation Frameworks on the UCA Website
Visit here for details of the UCA Accreditation Schemes