Gwen Booth

Qualifications and Accreditations:

  • EMCC Accredited Diploma in Coaching Supervision
  • EMCC Global Individual Team Coaching Accreditation
  • AOEC Accredited Resilience Coach
  • ILM Diploma in Leadership Mentoring and Executive Coaching
  • British Psychological Society’s Certificate of Competence in Occupational Testing Level A & B – Licensed to use a number of psychometric tools including MBTI Step I and Step II; BarOn EQ-I (Emotional Intelligence); McQuaig; EBW (Emotions and Behaviours at Work)

Summary Profile

Gwen has a passion for working with clients who are experiencing change and transition in their work and personal lives. From those clients who recognise that change is needed yet feel stuck on how and where to start, to the clients who have a clearer destination or for whom change is being imposed and who need support and a plan for their journey.

Gwen has delivered over 2900 hours of coaching. Her approach is supportive, stretching, empowering and pragmatic. Her work supports clients to flourish, understanding self, improving performance, working relationships and well-being. Building personal resilience is key part of her approach, alongside interventions such as neuroscience and psychometrics.

Gwen offers supervision to new and established coaches. Gwen’s background is in local government, working on large transformational change programmes.

 1 Year of UCA: Celebrating Growth, Impact & the Future of Coaching! 

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