Coaching Presence by Maria Iliffe-Wood

Coaching Presence emphasises the importance of building consciousness and awareness in coaching interventions. Coaching Presence involves the coach’s ability to be fully present, attentive, and engaged with the client. Iliffe-Wood emphasises that effective coaching goes beyond asking questions and giving advice; it requires a deep level of awareness and consciousness from the coach.

Building consciousness and awareness into coaching interventions means helping clients become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This process involves guiding clients to explore their beliefs, values, and underlying assumptions, which can lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth. Iliffe-Wood highlights the significance of creating a safe and supportive environment where clients feel comfortable exploring their inner world.

By integrating consciousness and awareness into coaching interventions, coaches can help clients gain clarity, make informed decisions, and take purposeful actions towards their goals. Iliffe-Wood’s approach emphasises the transformative power of coaching when both coach and client are fully present and engaged in the coaching process.

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