Mindset for Success, Clearing Limiting Beliefs and Performance Profiling with Guest Speaker - Jeremy Lazarus

This is a series of 3 Events Running from September to January

Mindset for Success

Thursday 26th September
18:00 - 19:30 BST

what's included

Life is not always a bed of roses; having a positive mental attitude is essential to overcoming life’s inevitable challenges and achieving the goals that bring success (however we define ‘success’).

In this interactive and participative event, attendees will:

clearing limiting beliefs

Thursday 7th November
18:00 - 19:30 GMT

what's included

Our beliefs are one of the key factors that shape our behaviours and results in life. Often beliefs are outside our conscious awareness, and these beliefs can either empower us or disempower us to be, do and have what we want to be, do and have.

In this interactive and participative event, attendees will:

Performance profiling

wednesday 29th january
18:00 - 19:30 GMT

what's included

Whether at work or in sport, improving performance (or facilitating others to do so) will improve results, which normally leads to greater success (however someone defines it).

In this interactive and participative event, attendees will:

Jeremy Lazarus

Accredited Master Executive Coach

ILM Approved Coach Trainer

Certified NLP Master Trainer

Prior to becoming a business coach and trainer in 1999, Jeremy had 18 years’ experience as a senior finance professional, including four years in investment management, four years as a management consultant and being Finance Director of YO! Sushi. He is a qualified accountant and a qualified corporate treasurer.

Jeremy’s clients include blue chips, SMEs, several NHS Trusts, charities and elite athletes. He is a guest lecturer at UK universities and has written four best-selling books.

He is an ex-semi-professional footballer, and a very keen tennis and padel player.

These events are included as a Membership Benefit for both UCA Associate and Professional Members.
Non-members can also register by paying a fee of only £25 for each event.

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The Mindset for success
- Author Jeremy Lazarus

Life is not always a bed of roses; having a positive mental attitude is essential to overcoming life’s inevitable challenges and achieving the goals that bring success (however we define ‘success’) in one’s personal and professional life.

As a professional coach (whether in sport, the workplace or life generally), being able to help identify to what extent our clients are lacking in positivity and to be able to address it will almost certainly lead to them improving their results, which in turn will benefit us as coaches.

Whilst some people seem to naturally have a positive mindset, the ‘Mindset for Success’ can be learned and developed, both for ourselves and for those who we coach or manage.

In the ‘The Mindset for Success’ Event, we:

  • Delve into the multifaceted concept of ‘success’ and uncover its various dimensions and personal significance.
  • Discover the core beliefs that serve as the foundation of success, including the transformative belief that has the power to revolutionise lives.
  • Explore the 6 ‘Principles for Success’ that are essential for achieving lasting fulfilment and accomplishment.
  • Learn how to seamlessly integrate these principles into your daily life and effectively apply them in coaching sessions with clients, empowering them to reach their highest potential.

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