​​Universal Coaching Alliance​


What is Coaching Supervision?

Supervision for practising coaches is a vital support system, offering a structured space for reflection, learning, and growth. It aims to enhance coaching effectiveness, ensure ethical practice, and promote continuous professional development.

Through supervision, coaches can gain valuable feedback, guidance, and new perspectives on their coaching approaches.This enables them to refine their skills, address blind spots, and navigate challenging client situations more effectively.

Furthermore, supervision fosters a sense of accountability and responsibility, encouraging coaches to maintain high standards of practice while promoting resilience and preventing burnout.

Ultimately, it cultivates a culture of learning and improvement within the coaching profession, benefiting coaches and their clients.

The Importance of Coaching Supervision...

At the Universal Coaching Alliance, we believe that all practising Coaches should regularly undergo supervision with a qualified, experienced and accredited supervisor.

Our Members who are practising Coaches agree to have a minimum of 4 supervision sessions a year, or at a ratio of 1:20 if they are UCA Accredited Coaches.

The Universal Coaching Alliance is thrilled to announce a subsidised Group Supervision programme for groups of six coaches. To ensure the successful implementation of this initiative, we have assembled a group of highly experienced UCA Accredited Coach Supervisors.

They will provide comprehensive support and guidance to all practising coaches, ensuring the supervision requirements are met. We understand the importance of accessibility, which is why we offer four 90-minute group coaching sessions annually, at a rate of £65.00 per session (or the equivalent in your region of the world), making this support readily available to you. The full payment for all four sessions is due at the time of booking.

This initiative underscores our unwavering commitment to your continuous improvement. It provides coaches with a valuable opportunity to receive comprehensive guidance, share profound insights, and refine their skills in a supportive group setting.

We are here to support you every step of the way.

We encourage you to take full advantage of this service. For more information on how to access it, please e-mail ucagroupsupervision@universalcoachingalliance.org

We’re here to support you in meeting your supervision requirements and furthering your professional development.

Coming Soon

Exciting benefits are on the horizon for Coach Supervisors. Get ready to access exclusive resources tailored to support your ongoing development:

  • Supervisor Accreditation
  • Supervisor Directory
  • Supervision Opportunities
  • Supervision Forum
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