'All Things Havening'
with Guest Speakers and Havening Techniques Practitioners:
Mark Wingfield and Jill Savage

Introduction to Havening Techniques

We have partnered with Mark Wingfield and Jill Savage to deliver this groundbreaking programme. Below are a number of introductory Events for you to find out about the Havening Techniques.

We will be running the full Certification Programme from March 2025

'Introduction to Havening Techniques' Workshops

So what is Havening?

Come and discover this self-soothing neuroscience-based tool that you can use for everyday upsets, limiting beliefs, and deep-rooted traumas.  Havening is designed to positively alter your thoughts, moods, and behaviors with rapid response and can be such an important tool for coaches to enable clients to build a resilient landscape.

these are repeated events - please register for the session that suits you best!

Wednesday 23rd October -14:00-15:00 GMT

Wednesday 20th November -12:30 - 13:30 GMT

Wednesday 11th December -14:00 - 15:00 GMT

Wednesday 8th january -12:30 - 13:30 GMT

Wednesday 19th February -12:30 - 13:30 GMT

These Events are open to all UCA members and Non-Members

Introduction to your guest speakers & Havening Techniques PRACTITIONERS:

Mark Wingfield

Certified Havening Techniques® Trainer, Practitioner & Speaker

Mark Wingfield is one of the most experienced Haveners in the world having been an initially sceptical early adopter in 2014.

He has led and coached teams in large international corporations like Tenneco, Ericsson, SIEMENS & Caterpillar as well as his own teams of coaches delivering leadership, conflict management and the brilliant Havening Techniques®.

One of the few International Certified Trainers, he is an intriguing blend of creativity and discipline – only interested in practical ways to achieve fantastic outcomes for his clients. He leads on Havening for UCA to help you raise your existing coaching expertise even further.

Jill Savage

Experienced Executive and Mindset Coach

Accredited Coach Supervisor

Mindfulness Teacher

Havening Techniques® Practitioner

Health and Wellbeing Champion

Jill helps purpose-driven minds, create more calm, clarity, and confidence and take their leadership to the next level. She has trained consultants, leaders, and business owners to become professional coaches over the last twelve years, and it’s been a privilege to walk alongside inspirational folk on their coaching journey.

Jill is passionate about the Havening Techniques® which has enabled her to be trauma-informed, re-program the brain for success, and build resilience for her clients. She is delighted to be able to share Havening with fellow UCA coaches so they too can elevate their coaching practice.

Certificate in Havening for Coaches

Structure - 5 Half days
18th, 19th, 25th, 26th March and 2nd April 2025
Time: 13:00 - 18:00 GMT

Course Objectives:

module outlines:

Eligibility criteria:

For UCA Members the fee is £2175.00

For non-UCA Members the fee is £1375.00

The fee includes;
• All training led by Certified and experienced Havening Practitioners
• Assessment and feedback on case studies
• Havening license fee
• Certification as a Havening Techniques Practitioner


What Is Havening And How Does It Relate To Coaching?

Havening is a psycho-sensory approach that uses the Havening Touch™ and pleasant distraction to change the landscape of the brain.

So if you are not living life to your full potential, or if you are stressed, anxious,  lack confidence, sad, or suffering from phobias and PTSD, or where the past is intruding on the present creating limiting beliefs and triggering you, then The Havening Techniques ® has been designed to help you.

Dr Ronald Ruden has discovered that neuroscience has shown us how it is possible to modify the encoding from a stressful or traumatic event, the memory will be de-traumatized and will permanently remove its negative effects from both our psyche and our body.

Imagine being able to use this simple self-soothing tool and eliminate upsets in your life. This neuroscience-based approach can alter thoughts, moods, emotions, and behaviours rapidly and release “feel good” chemicals in the brain alongside delta waves – so you can feel calm again and heal from within.

So how does this neuroscience-based tool relate to our coaching practice?

I don’t know about you but a lot of my clients set motivational goals and yet the inner stuff gets in the way of the outer stuff and it is these blocks that hold them back from stepping into their compelling future.

As coaches we have several tools at our disposal to eliminate these blocks which may come from NLP, Mindfulness, Gestalt, CBT, Psychodynamics and the list goes on depending on where our niche and coach training, background, and experience sits.

All of this is great and so helpful for our clients, and yet, in all of my years as a coach I have never come across something so fast, gentle on the client, and effective with a clear neuroscientific mechanism as The Havening Techniques®.

Paul McKenna does come into the story, which I will hold for another day. We know that he is a master practitioner in NLP and Hypnotherapy and what is little known is that he is also a master practitioner in Havening.

 To quote Paul directly about the power of Havening he says, “I eventually began working with Dr Ronald Ruden, who was trying to find his own version of a “magic bullet for change”. He turned out to be the rarest of doctors – not only open-minded and with a distinguished background in neuroscience. After a seven-year study involving brain scans, he developed a new set of protocols that worked better than anything I’ve ever come across before.”

And this is what I have also found as a coaching practitioner which is why I am so motivated to let you know about The Havening Techniques®. And yes it is a technique and not a therapy and so useful in our practice for working on limiting beliefs such as not being good enough, imposter syndrome, lack of confidence, taking our leadership to the next, level, whether in delivering presentations, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional intelligence. Any area where our past is intruding on our present causing us to be in survival mode and yet at the same time keeping us small and limited.

To know I have this technique as part of my coaching toolkit through qualifying as a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, is a dream come true for me and my clients. 

Click on the following link to visit our full Blog Directory and Read more Blogs on Havening:

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